Opening Multibeast can be an intimidating experience for anybody who's unfamiliar with Hackintoshing. There's definitely a learning curve; to first-timers, Multibeast's menus are filled with nothing but long lists of kexts with unnecessarily long names and indecipherable descriptions. This guide is here to help. Read past the break to learn how to make Multibeast work for your Hackintosh.
Multibeast, by tonymacx86, is a essentially an installer bundled with a lot of kext files for Hackintoshes. When you're setting up Mac OS X, it can be a huge time saver. By using Multibeast, you don't have to find, download, and install every single kext file that your Hackintosh needs, one by one. Multibeast has it all. However, the problem with Multibeast's all-in-one method is that there are simply too many options to make sense of. In this guide, I'm going to explain the function of several important options in Multibeast.
NOTE: You have to register on tonymacx86.com to download Multibeast and related apps. After installing anything in Multibeast, you should reboot your Hackintosh to see if the changes worked.
These two options are the cornerstone of the tonymacx86 method; installing either of these two packages will enable Mac OS X to boot from the hard drive of your Hackintosh, without any extra assistance.
UserDSDT or DSDT-Free Installation is the better method of the two. On most motherboards made before 2012, it only works if your motherboard has a DSDT file available. DSDT files are configuration files that customize Mac OS X to work with your specific motherboard. If your motherboard has a DSDT file available in the DSDT section of tonymacx86, use it. To install UserDSDT on Mac OS X this way, you first have to download the appropriate DSDT file, rename the file "DSDT.aml" (without quotation marks), and place it on the desktop of Mac OS X. Then you can run Multibeast.
When installing UserDSDT with a DSDT file, make sure that your motherboard has the right BIOS version, or the DSDT file won't work. For example, a DSDT file for version F4 won't work if your motherboard has version F1. Read this to learn how to update your BIOS version.
However, if you have a newer Gigabyte-brand motherboard that uses UEFI instead of BIOS, you don't need a DSDT file. You can just install UserDSDT in Multibeast without doing anything else beforehand. If you have a non-Gigabyte motherboard that uses UEFI, it's the same deal, except that you will have to install a patched version of your motherboard BIOS in addition to UserDSDT.
Easybeast Install is similar to UserDSDT, except it tries to remove the need for a DSDT file by installing some extra kext files. If your motherboard doesn't have a DSDT file available for it and isn't a motherboard with UEFI, try installing Easybeast instead. Easybeast will break sleep mode and speedstepping (CPU power management).
Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Audio
All of the motherboards recommended by tonymacx86 use Realtek Audio. To enable sound on these motherboards, you'll want to install the Realtek ALC8xx kexts. Luckily, the Realtek ALC8xx section of Multibeast is pretty straightforward.
All you need to know is the audio codec of your motherboard. You can find your audio codec by Googling the model of your motherboard. The first Google result will be the motherboard's official product page. The audio codec is usually found under the "Specifications" section, or some other similarly-named section. For example, my Hackintosh has a Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3-B3 motherboard. According to the official product page, this motherboard uses the Realtek 889 codec.
Once you've found your audio codec, choose the corresponding option in Multibeast. Each codec as two different possible setups: one for Hackintoshes that use a DSDT file, and one for Hackintoshes that don't. On my own Hackintosh, I used a DSDT file, so I would choose ALC889 under the "With DSDT" section to enable audio.
If you have a motherboard that doesn't use the Realtek audio codec (or it has an unsupported codec version), you'll have to go with the VoodooHDA kexts. VoodooHDA enables sound for a wide variety of motherboards, but it's not very reliable. Install just one of the versions and reboot to see if it works well for you. If not, remove the kext by going to /System/Library/Extensions in your hard drive and deleting VoodooHDA.kext. Then try another version.
Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Disk
These kexts fix problems related to hard drives.
In the Mac OS X Lion version of Multibeast, you can also install TRIM Enabler to enable TRIM in Mac OS X, which is a critical feature for SSD drives. TRIM Enabler is a version specific patch, meaning that you may have to install a new version of it every time you update Mac OS X.
Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Graphics
The following graphics card patches are version-specific, meaning that you have to install a new patch every time you update to a new version of Mac OS X.
The patches called ATI 48xx Support add Mac OS X support to AMD Radeon 4800 cards. (The AMD Radeon 5000 and 6000 series usually support Mac OS X natively.)
The NVIDIA 4xx/5xx Support patches enable OpenCL for the NVIDIA 400 and 500 series in Mac OS X Lion (older NVIDIA cards support OpenCL natively). They will also enable full resolution or graphics acceleration on your graphics card. These patches are version-specific, meaning that you have to install a new patch every time you update to a new version of Mac OS X.
If your Hackintosh uses a graphics card with 2 GB or more of video RAM, you must update to Mac OS X 10.7.5 and install the 10.7.5 >2GB OpenCL Patch. Versions of Mac OS X older than 10.7.5 do not support these graphics cards properly.
P.S. NVIDIA also offers official graphics drivers for Mac OS X Lion, but nowadays, most people use OpenCL Enabler. Never install both of these things at the same time; they conflict with each other and will break your graphics.
Drivers & Bootloaders -> Drivers->Miscellaneous/System
The FakeSMC Plugins are a set of plugins that enable system-monitoring apps to read your Hackintosh's CPU temperature and GPU temperature.
Installing USB 3.0 - 3rd Party supposedly enables USB 3.0 support on Hackintoshes, but it's a hit-and-miss feature: it works for some people, and causes booting errors for others. So if you're setting up a Hackintosh, don't count on USB 3.0 support.
If you're using an older mouse or keyboard that doesn't connect to your Hackintosh with a USB port, install PS/2 Keyboard/Mice.
If your Hackintosh uses an older LGA1156 motherboard and the USB ports aren't working properly, try installing Legacy USB Support. LGA1156 motherboards are the ones that support the first generation of Intel Core processors.
Patched Apple Intel CPU Power Management is an alternative to NullCPUPowerManagement. It does the same thing as NCPM, except it doesn't break sleep mode or speed-stepping. However, these patches are version-specific, so every time you update Mac OS X, you'll have to install a new version of the patch.
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 removed support for X58 motherboards, making Hackintoshes that use these motherboards unable to boot without help in Mountain Lion, even after installing UserDSDT or Easybeast. 10.6.8 Rollback for ASUS X58 System fixes these booting problems.
Drivers & Bootloaders -> Kexts & Enablers -> Network
These kexts should enable connecting to the internet on your Hackintosh, via an Ethernet cord. To find out which kext you need to install, you need to know what ethernet controller your motherboard has.
If your motherboard uses the Realtek 8100 series of Ethernet controllers, try installing the Realtek - AppleRTL8169Ethernet first. If not, try installing Lnx2Mac's Realtek driver, which works better for some people.
Shailua's ethernet kext works on motherboards with an Atheros AR8100 series ethernet controller, and hnak's ethernet kext works on motherboards with an Intel 82500 series ethernet controller.
Customization -> Boot Options
Most of the options in the Boot Options section make edits to org.Chameleon.boot.plist, a settings file that configures how your Hackintosh boots. You can make all these changes manually. Check out our list of common boot options for more details.
The Apple Boot Screen options determine whether your Hackintosh boots the 32-bit kernel or the 64-bit kernel. Unlike in Windows, booting the 32-bit kernel for Mac OS X does not limit your total amount of RAM to 4 GB, and you can still run 64-bit applications. However, individual applications cannot use up more than 4 GB of RAM, so this is a disadvantage if you do professional video editing, or something else that takes up a whole lot of RAM.
If your Hackintosh isn't booting from the hard drive properly, or you're getting verifications errors in the Mac App Store, changing your PCI Root ID with PCI Root ID Fix may be able to solve the issue.
If your Hackintosh's bootscreen automatically loads Mac OS X instead of giving you the option to choose your own hard drive, install Instant Menu.
PCI Configuration Fix is installed automatically when you install Easybeast, UserDSDT, or either of the Apple Boot Screens. This fixes a common booting issue in Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and all versions of Mac OS X Lion.
Customization -> System Definitions
System Definitions pretend that your Hackintosh is a real Mac. The Mac Pro (3,1) system definition is installed by default with UserDSDT and Easybeast.
Occasionally, a certain System Definition will make your Hackintosh run a lot slower than it should. Geekbench is a good benchmark to compare your Hackintosh against other Hackintoshes and Macs (the free trial lasts forever). It's particularly useful because it lets you compare your score to the Geekbench scores of other computers. If you feel that your Geekbench score is unusually slow compared to Hackintoshes or Macs with similar hardware, try installing a different System Definition.
Generally, any system definition will work. The only exceptions are the the Mac Pro (4,1) and Mac Pro (5,1) system definitions, which cause booting problems. If you insist on installing either of these two system definitions, be sure to remove AppleTyMCEDriver.kext and AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext from /System/Library/Extensions beforehand (the system definitions mess up these two kexts).
If you need to enable the built-in HD3000 graphics of your Intel Sandy Bridge processor, then install the Mac mini system definition or the MacBook Pro 8,1.
Customization -> SSDT Options
If you're running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 with an Intel i5 or i7 processor in the Sandy Bridge generation, you have to install a SSDT file. Pick a SSDT based on whether your processor is an i5 model or an i7 model, and whether it has been overclocked (if you don't know whether your processor has been overclocked, then it hasn't). Sandy Bridge processors have model numbers in the 2000's (for example, the Intel Core i5-2500). Without a SSDT, your processor will run at a much slower speed than normal. This problem only happens in Mac OS X 10.7.4, and doesn't affect Intel i3 processors, or the Intel Core i5-2400.
RELATED: How to use Multibeast 5: a comprehensive guide for Mountain Lion